散策・偽りの乙女 Exploring Lady of Deceit
Don't come in here!
エーデルガルト: 師!?待って。今は入らないで。
Edelgard: Professor? Halt! Don't come in here!
Byleth: こんなことが前にも…… Hasn't this happened before?
エーデルガルト: はあ……。忘れなさいと言ったでしょ?
Edelgard: Ugh, I thought I told you to forget about that.
There's something I don't want you to see.
Byleth: 似顔絵とか? Is it a portrait?
エーデルガルト: ……ええ、そうよ。わかっているじゃない。私の描いた、貴方の似顔絵よ
Edelgard: So...you know about it. Yes, it's a portrait. Of you. I paint myself.
It's, uh...quite disgraceful. I did a terrible job with it, and it looks nothing like you.
Byleth: ありがとう Thank you for that, Edelgard.
エーデルガルト: どういたしまして。あの、とりあえず、今は開けないでね。
Edelgard: I'm happy that you appreciate my efforts, but...please don't touch that door.
ヒューベルト: しかし、前節は酷い目に遭いましたな。危うくガルグ=マクを奪還されるかと……。
Hubert: This was a trying month, but we did manage to hold Garreg Mach—if only just.
ヒューベルト: セテスやフレン……大司教に与する彼らの力は、恐ろしいものでしたが……
Hubert: The power of Seteth and Flayn was certainly a sight to behold. The archbishop's supporters were strong.
ヒューベルト: セテスやフレン……大司教に与する彼らが退いたのは予想外でしたが……
Hubert: Honestly, I did not expect such strident supporters of the archbishop as Seteth and Flayn to flee.
ヒューベルト: これで騎士団を、セイロス教団を追い込めたのは間違いありません。
Hubert: But with this victory, we have all but cornered the Church of Seiros and its knights.
The goddess above shall give away to the darkness that has long dwelled below...
I don't see how Dimitri can win.
フェルディナント: ファーガスの王、ディミトリ……彼は帝国を激しく憎んでいるという。
Ferdinand: Dimitri, the King of Faerghus. He despises Edelgard and everything she stands for.
I am of the opinion that a man seized by such strong feelings is not fit to be king. It is a sad situation, really.
Choice 1: 王も人だ Kings are people too.
フェルディナント: 人としての自分を捨て切れないのなら、王であることをやめるしかない。
Ferdinand: If he cannot suppress his emotions to make reasoned decisions, he should abdicate.
Choice 2: 王は感情に囚われてはいけない? Kings can't be emotional? (Ferdinand ⤴)
フェルディナント: いかにも。王としての判断は、あらゆる個人の感情から離れたところにあるべきだ。
Ferdinand: No, they cannot. Kingly judgement has to be wholly separate from the emotions of the individual.
フェルディナント: 何にせよ私は、エーデルガルトが彼に負けている場面など、想像できないね。
Ferdinand: At any rate, I find it hard to believe that Dimitri could defeat Edelgard.
They're just legends...
リンハルト: 千年以上前にあったとされながら、現存してない英雄の遺産って……
Linhardt: There are stories of Heroes' Relics a thousand years ago of which we have no real evidence today.
So many, in fact, that I'm led to wonder if those Relics are nothing more than just legends...
Especially since we know of Relics like those passed down in the families of the 10 Fódlan Elites.
Off to the Kingdom capital!
カスパル: よっしゃー!行くぞ、王都!待ってろ、王都!
……って言っとけばいいんだよな?なに? 演技が下手?
Caspar: All right! Off to the Kingdom's capital we go!
What's the matter? Should I not be excited?
I can't help it. Everyone's gotta have something to look forward to!
ベルナデッタ: ベル、夢があるんですよねえ。叶えるつもりはないんですけど。
Bernadetta: I've got a dream, you know. Not that I think it'll come true, but it's nice to hope.
I'd like to get out of Fódlan and travel across the sea. Maybe to Dagda. Maybe even past that.
I want to see all the wild jungles out there, the huge flowers, and―oh―the carnivorous plants!
I know it's not realistic, and I know it's probably impossible, but that's what I'd like.
ベルナデッタ: ベル、夢があるんですよねえ。叶うかはわからないんですけど。
Bernadetta: I've got a dream, you know. I don't know if it'll come true, but it's nice to hope.
Remember when I went to Brigid, with Petra? I drew a picture of some of the flowers I saw there.
Next time, I wanna go even farther. Maybe Dagda. Maybe even past that.
I wanna fill a whole book with the drawings of the biggest plants I see! And the carnivorous ones especially! Oh, I hope I get the chance...
My chest feels tight...
ドロテア: ガルグ=マクの守将を務めてた、ランドルフさん、戦死したんですってね。
Dorothea: I heard that Randolph died in battle guarding Garreg Mach.
We knew each other for, wow, more than five years... My chest feels tight.
Think about it. There's no end in sight to the fighting. I might be next. Any of us could be.
Choice 1: 共に生き残ろう We'll make it through together. (Dorothea ⤴)
ドロテア: え?……ふふふっ、ずるいですね、先生。
Dorothea: Together, eh? That sounds like one of Sylvain's old pick-up lines!
But yes, let's get through this war. Together.
Choice 2: 確かに終わりは見えない I don't see an end to it either.
ドロテア: 戦いを前に過ごす一日一日って、とても長く感じられますよね……。
Dorothea: When the days are filled with fighting, or preparing to fight, it really does feel like this could last forever.
I enjoy attacks that are surprising.
ペトラ: 秘密の、作戦、心、沸き立ちます。奇襲、わたし、好みます。
Petra: I have excitemeny in my heart for secret tactics! I enjoy attacks that are surprising.
Choice 1: なぜ? Why's that?
Choice 2: 狩りに似ている? Because it's like hunting? *Petra up
ペトラ: はい。狩り、獲物、奇襲します。
Petra: Yes. Hunting is like doing surprise attacks on prey.
ペトラ: 奇襲、味方、安全なところから、始まります。犠牲、減る、減ります。
Petra: Surprise attacks are safe with friends. Fewer injuries.
That is a wonderful thing. I have no liking for the thought of losing someone.
フェリクス: お前や皇帝と共に戦うと決めた以上、覚悟はしていた。
Felix: Since I allied with you and the emperor, my resolve has never wavered.
I abandoned my country. I am prepared to kill my father, and kill a man I once called my friend.
Resolute as I am, my sword feels...heavy.
He's strong.
シルヴァン: ディミトリ王を、畏怖を込めて“嵐の王”なんて呼ぶ奴らもいます。
Sylvain: Some people are so in awe of King Dimitri, they call him the Tempest King.
After he wins, there won't be anything left. He'll be a storm, leaving nothing behind.
He hates the Empire so much he's willing to do anything to bring it down.
Choice 1: 帝国への憎悪? He hates the Empire?
シルヴァン: ええ、「ダスカーの悲劇」には帝国が一枚噛んでいたそうで……。
Sylvain: Yeah, because of the role the Empire played in the Tragedy of Duscur.
You know, even back at the Officers Academy, he never had much to do with anyone from the Empire.
Choice 2: 昔はそうじゃなかった? He wasn't like that before? (Sylvain ⤴)
シルヴァン: ええ。……俺たちが、あいつのことを知らなかっただけなのかもしれませんけど。
Sylvain: No. Then again, maybe we just didn't actually know him at all.
シルヴァン: 遠からず戦うことになります。先生も、死にたくなきゃ稽古したほうがいいですよ。
Sylvain: We'll be fighting Dimitri and his troops soon. We all oughta train a little harder if we want to stay alive.
There's a knight called the Gray Lion.
アッシュ: ファーガスのローベ家には“灰色の獅子”と呼ばれる、凄い騎士がいるんです。
Ashe: In Faerghus, there's an amazing knight of House Rowe they call the Gray Lion.
I heard about him from Lonato, who was an acquaintance of his.
Apparently he's getting old, but with each year that passes, he only hones his skills even more.
I won't back down!
メルセデス: ……う~ん。やっぱり、ちょっと怖かったわよね~。
Mercedes: Well, that was certainly frightening.
Choice 1: 何が? What was?
Choice 2: 教団が? The church? (Mercedes ⤴)
Mercedes: You're very perceptive, Professor.
メルセデス: ……ええ。やっぱり先生はお見通しなのね~。
メルセデス: セイロス教の方々と戦った時……自然と体が強張ってしまったわ~。
Mercedes: Having to fight against the Church of Seiros was unnerving.
To push back against something I've hinged so much of my life upon... I was terrified.
But now we must fight Lady Rhea, and I won't back down!
I don't want to fight there...
アネット: あたし、昔は王都に住んでたんです。父さんと、母さんと、3人で。
Annette: I used to live in the Kingdom capital with my parents.
I know we've got no choice but to fight the Kingdom, but I really don't want Fhirdiad to become a battlefield...
Lots of my old friends still live in the city, and many people there were kind to me.
If fighting breaks out there, all of those people might get caught up in it...
I have no regrets.
イングリット: 正直、考えたこともありませんでした。こうして、祖国と戦うことになるとは……。
Ingrid: I never thought this day would come―that I'd fight my homeland.
My betrothed was a knight who served the king. He died bravely to protect the future of our country.
Now I'm betraying the place he fought to protect. I'm betraying him. But I must do this.
Professor. I believe in the path you have chosen for us.
We are finally going to Fhirdiad.
ローレンツ: いよいよ、王都フェルディアの土を踏む日も近くなってきたようだな。
Lorenz: It seems we will soon set foot in Fhirdiad.
I used to live there, you know. Though that was before my time in the Officers Academy.
Choice 1: 人質? Were you a hostage?
ローレンツ: ……違う。あの街にある魔道学院に、一時期、在籍していたのだよ。
Lorenz: No, of course not. There is a school of magic there, which I was enrolled in for a time.
Choice 2: 留学? Were you an exchange student? (Lorenz ⤴)
ローレンツ: ああ、そうだ。あの街にある魔道学院に、一時期、在籍していたことがあるのだよ。
Lorenz: That's right. I was enrolled at the school of magic there for a time.
ローレンツ: 王国内のゴタゴタで帰国を余儀なくされ、多くは学べなかったがね……。
Lorenz: Trouble within the Kingdom forced me to return to Alliance lands. There was much I had yet to learn.
Next up, the Kingdom capital!
ラファエル: うおおお! 次は王都だああ!待ってろ、王都!
……って言っとけばいいんだろ?なんだ? 演技が下手?
Raphael: Hyah! Next up is the Kingdom's capital! We're coming for you!
What's wrong? Was that too much?
Maybe it was too dramatic...or I didn't yell it loud enough!
Soon we'll head to Fhirdiad.
イグナーツ: 次はいよいよ王都ですか! フォドラの戦史に残る、重要な戦いになりそうですね。
Ignatz: Soon we'll assault Fhirdiad, the Kingdom's capital! This'll be one for the history books. Our enemy won't hold anything back. I'm quivering with excitement at the very thought of it!
Choice 1: 良い演技だ Bravo. You put on a good show. (Ignatz ⤴)
イグナーツ: やった、褒められた! ……って、あの、普通に合わせてもらわないと意味が……。
Ignatz: Heh, I appreciate the compliment! I worried I was laying it on too thick...
Choice 2: 大広間 Your performance is a bit stilted.
イグナーツ: ……そ、そうでしょうか? おかしいな、自然に話してるつもりなんですけど……。
Ignatz: Is it? I thought I sounded quite sincere.
イグナーツ: ……と、とにかく頑張りましょうね!待ってろよ、王都! なんて! あはは!
Ignatz: In any case, let's do our best! We're coming for you, Fhirdiad! And so on, heh.
I want to support her!
リシテア: ……奇襲の件、聞きました。
Lysithea: I've been informed of the surprise attack.
That information could be devastating, were the enemy to find out.
It moves me to know I've been trusted with it. Edelgard and those within the army... They really do trust me.
Initially, I had my own motives for joining the Black Eagle Strike Force.
But now, all I want is to support Edelgard.
I'm nothing without her...
マリアンヌ: 教義を否定し、騎士団と戦いながらも、私は主への祈りを続けています……。
Marianne: Even though we're denying the doctrine and fighting the knights, I keep praying to the goddess...
When I think about those who have fallen in battle... I...I have no choice but to pray.
The goddess of the church may be a fallacy, but I'm sure she still exists in some form.
I'm weak. I would be nothing without her.
Isn't it a bit...
レオニー: 天下の帝国軍が、小芝居打って奇襲とは、ちょっと慎重すぎないかねえ。
Leonie: Don't you think this plan to use the entire army for a surprise attack is a bit―I don't know―cowardly?
Sorry, the word just kind of slipped out. Maybe don't tell Edelgard or Hubert I said that.
No matter the target or strategy, I'll do my job.
You can count on me.
アロイス: ……かつての同僚と戦った後には、やはり心穏やかではいられんものだな。
Alois: It's hard to feel cheery when you've just gone to battle against old friends. Mraaaugh! No! I will not let myself be gloomy!
Choice 1: 無理しないで Go easy on yourself.
アロイス: くっ……貴殿に気を遣わせてしまうとは……ジェラルト殿、申し訳ありません……!
Alois: You're trying to take care of me, but it's supposed to be the other way around! Forgive me, Jeralt!
Choice 2: 釣りでもする? How about you go fishing? (Alois ⤴)
アロイス: ……ははは、釣りか。確かに、釣りに興じれば、多少は気分も晴れような!
Alois: Fishing, huh? That may brighten my mood a bit, now that you mention it.
アロイス: しかし……貴殿こそ、かつての生徒と戦うのは苦しかろうに……
Alois: I'm sure it must be even harder for you, to fight against your students. When times are tough, just remember, you can always rely on your old pal Alois!
What a disaster...
シャミア: 前節は災難だったな。セイロス騎士団の庭で、連中と戦うとは。
Shamir: Last month's fight with the Knights of Seiros was a disaster.
Choice 1: 大丈夫? Are you all right?
シャミア: 何を心配している?元同僚と殺し合ったことか?
Shamir: Are you asking me if I'm OK with killing my former colleagues?
Choice 2: 全然、平気そう You seem fine. (Shamir ⤴)
シャミア: 当たり前だ。私はセイロス教徒じゃない。
Shamir: I am. I never believed in Seiros. And my old colleagues are now just enemies.
シャミア: 信仰など持たないほうが、生きやすい者もいるのさ。
Shamir: Sometimes it's easier to get by without any personal attachment or religious beliefs.
Did you know, there's a school of sorcery...
ハンネマン: 王都フェルディアには魔道学院があってね、魔道の研究では一歩進んでいる。
Hanneman: There's a school of sorcery in Fhirdiad, which is staffed by the top minds of magical research. The study of Crests and sorcery should not be separate. I've often thought I should pay them a visit someday. I never imagined I might end up invading the place with an army though. Not how I imagin at all.
I'd never imagined...
マヌエラ: 「大司教や騎士団とも戦うことになる」って言ったら、その節のうちに襲撃が……
Manuela: How have we come to this? Fighting the archbishop and her knights... I'd never imagined... I hate this. So much. Professor, I tried. I gave treatment to everyone I could, but...but lives were still lost. The infirmary is as much a morgue right now as it is a place of care and healing...
The Knights of Seiros...
イエリッツァ: セイロス騎士団……、腕の立つ者も少なくはなかったが……
Jeritza: The Knights of Seiros... They certainly know how to inflict pain. However.
The demon within me will be satiated only be fighting you.
It's hard on everyone...
アンナ: あっちもこっちも物騒で、行商仲間も困ってるみたい。
Anna: There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered. I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.
For my brother...
フレーチェ: ……兄さんは、最期まで誇り高く戦って、散っていきました。
Fleche: My brother fought proudly to the end and died an honorable death.
He said something to me before the battle. That he was entrusting his dream to me...
I'm gonna see this battle through to the end. I'm gonna fight for my brother!
Do you know about Tailtean?
門番: お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
Between Garreg Mach and Fhirdiad stretch the plains of Tailtean.
That's the sight of the ancient battle where Nemesis, the King of Liberation, fought the prophet Seiros.
If our forces end up fighting our enemies there...
It'll be a clash passed down through the ages!
He's a stubborn one.
兵士: アリアンロッドの領主、ローベ家に仕える老将軍は頑固者で知られています。
Soldier: The old general who serves the Rowe family in Arianrhod is known for being a curmudgeon. Even if we invited him to join our side, he probably just wouldn't respond.
Another impressive victory.
商人: あのセイロス騎士団を撃退しちまうとは、たいしたもんだな、帝国軍は。
Merchant: Driving back the Knights of Seiros is a big deal for the Imperial army.
Defeating the Alliance was hugely exciting, but this victory will probably just add to your reputation.
Now if only you could sway the loyalties of the Kingdom's lords... Is that even possible?
Next, the Kingdom capital.
兵士: 次はいよいよ、王都フェルディアに向けて侵攻を開始するんですよね?
Soldier: Next we'll be headed to the Kingdom capital of Fhirdiad to begin the invasion, right? I wonder if we can defeat the Tempest King... We have to!
They were strong opponents.
兵士: 思いがけず激戦になりましたね……。流石はセイロス騎士団、手強い相手でした。
Soldier: That was an unexpectedly fierce battle. The Knights of Seiros were tough opponents. If the archbishop had been there, we would have been in trouble. If it hadn't been for the effort of the main force... Who even knows.
We can't be caught unawares.
兵士: セテス殿を破ったのは大きいですが、大司教が健在である以上、油断は禁物です。
Soldier: Destroying Seteth is a big achievement, but as long as the archbishop remains in good health, we must remain vigilant. One day they'll probably try to surprise attack us again. We have to attack them first!
Goddess, forgive me...
元修道士: 私は信仰にこの身を捧げる覚悟で教団に仕えてきましたが……
Former Monk: I dedicated my life to serving the church. However... Now, all that comes from the church is talk of spilling blood. Now that we've even lost Seteth, the possibility of the church returning to its former power is slim. Today I came to beg the goddess to grant me leave to quit my position. From tomorrow, I live by my own values.
Randolph has fallen.
市民: ランドルフさんが亡くなったそうですね。良い人だったのに……残念です。
Citizen: Randolph has fallen. He was a good person... It's a shame. When someone close to you dies, you really feel the horrors of war. Please watch out for yourself.
You probably don't know this.
学者: 君も、王国領西部にあった西方教会と、同盟領内にあった東方教会は知っているな?
Scholar: You must know about the Western Church in the Kingdom, and the Eastern Church in the Alliance.
But you probably don't know about the Southern Church. It used to exist a long time ago, in Enbarr.
About 120 years ago, they had a massive insurrection.
The bishop of the Soutern Church who participated was exiled by the furious emperor.
After that, the Empire reconciled with the Central Church, but relations continued to be strained.
That history has probably laid the groundwork for the current antagonism among the Empire's citizens.
Arianrhod? That brings back memories.
ユーリス: 教団は、信徒にはおおらかで慈悲深いが……弓を引いた相手にはこの上なく冷徹だ。
Yuri: The church smiles warmly on all who pay reverence, but defy them, and... Well, that's another story.
The way the Knights of Seiros fight is cold-blooded and ruthless. Coming from me, you get the implications.
Choice 1: アビスは無事?Is everyone in Abyss OK? (Yuri ⤴)
ユーリス: 何とかな。……ここの連中に逃げ道はねえ、騎士団が入ってこなかったのは僥倖だった。
Yuri: Yeah, somehow. There are no good ways out of here, so we're lucky they never came through.
Choice 2: 勝てて良かった I'm glad we did it
ユーリス: まあな。痛み分けとはいえ、大修道院を奪われずに済んで良かったよ。
Yuri: Yeah... Although it was a draw, I'm relieved it ended without the monastery being captured.
ユーリス: で、次はアリアンロッドだってな?……俺にとっては懐かしい街だよ。
Yuri: So, Arianrhod next, huh? I've got some fond memories of that place.
You sure about this?
バルタザール: 奇襲ってのは情報が漏れたら終わりだろ?おれにまで作戦を伝えちまっていいのかね。
Balthus:' So about this surprise attack. It's all over if the details leak, yeah? I know my shoulders are broad, but you sure you wanna lay a secret like that on 'em?
I'm no war hero. In fact, I'm a wanted man. If I were you, I wouldn't trust me with something that important...
Choice 1: 信頼されている証拠だ She trusts you, and so do I. (Balthus ⤴)
バルタザール: 信頼って、エーデルガルトにか?まさかあの女、おれに惚れてるなんて……
……うおおお!? 何だ、今の殺気は。お前じゃねえよな。どっからだ?
Balthus: Wait a minute. By "she," do you mean Edelgard? Ha! I didn't know she had eyes for me.
Huh. I just got a sudden chill, like someone's got it out for me. It's not you, is it? Nah... You wouldn't. Your shoes are too goody.
Choice 2: 今もお尋ね者では? ... You're still a wanted man?
バルタザール: 賞金稼ぎもとんと襲ってこねえし、もう過去のあれこれは帳消しってことさ。
Balthus: Hard to say, but the bounty hunters have been off my back lately. Maybe my debts are finally forgotten...
I'm a bit overwhelmed.
コンスタンツェ: 次はいよいよ、王都フェルディアですのね!私が苦学して魔道を修めた街ですのよ?
そんな懐かしい思い出の詰まった街が、戦場になるだなんて……! ああ、悲しい!
Constance: Fhirdiad at last... The very city where I struggled through school and mastered the art of spellcraft! So many memories are bound up there, and now it is to become a battlefield... I am a bit overwhelmed.
Choice 1: まだ王都は攻めないが We're not actually attacking it yet.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方……! どこに間諜が潜んでいるかわかりませんのよ? ちゃんと演技なさい!
Constance: Yes, but don't you know there are spies everywhere? Learn to take your cue!
Choice 2: 歌姫になれる演技力だ With that acting talent, you should be on stage. (Constance ⤴)
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっ! それほどでもありますわ……って、貴方もちゃんと演技なさい!
Constance: Aha. I...I am quite the thespian, it's true. You, on the other hand, need to learn your cue.
コンスタンツェ: 敵を欺くにはまず味方から、壁に耳あり扉に目あり、ですのよ?
Constance: To fool the enemy, one must first deceive one's allies. The walls have ears, you know.
I wonder if she remembers me...
ハピ: ……ヒューの話だとさ、次の戦場に知り合いがいるんだって。
Hapi: The Bert said that we'll be facing someone I know in our next battle. The lady who captured me after I ran away from my village. I wonder if she remembers me...
Choice 1: 戦いたくない? Do you want to confront her?
Choice 2: 会いたくない? Do you want to talk to her? (Hapi ⤴)
ハピ: まー確かに近づきたくはないよね。でも、会ったから何がどーってわけじゃないし。
Hapi: Honestly, I don't wanna go anywhere near her. But if I have to, it won't be much different from any other fight. That's how it goes, right? If we wanna end this war, we have to keep charging forward, no matter who's on the other side.
Abysskeeper: Stay forever.
Imperial Solider: I'm here by order of Lord Hubert.
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。見てのとおり、本日も異常ありですよ。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report.
As you know, I'm the anointed alpha of Abyss. But this lady's been standing watch for a while. She can probably hear us talking even now...
帝国兵: ヒューベルト様のご指示で、来客に備えて。詳しい事情は申し上げられませんが。
Imperial Solider: Yes, I can. I'm here by order of Lord Hubert. That is all I'm at liberty to reveal at present.
番人: なんか、この感じ懐かしいなあ。あなた、ずっといてくれませんかね?
Abysskeeper: Wow. Impressive. You've really got a knack for this, lady. Ever think of making this a full-time gig? I could use the company... I mean, the backup.
帝国兵: 今節だけの任務ですので。悪しからず。
Imperial Soldier: My mission concludes at the end of the month. Deepest apologies.
ごろつき: この前、街で仲間と喧嘩してたらよ、帝国の将軍様に声をかけられたんだ。
Rogue: My friend and I were messing around the other day, and an Imperial general stopped to talk to us.
"If you've got that much energy," he said, "you should fight for the Imperial army!"
Honestly, maybe we should think about it...
ごろつき: あー、困ったもんだ。こいつは困った。
Rogue: What a pain. What an absolute pain...
Choice 1: どうした? What's the matter?
ごろつき: おお、聞いてくれるのか。優しい奴だな。だけど気をつけな。
Rogue: Concerned, are you? That's nice. A little too nice.
Here's a word of warning—if anyone here asks you for a favor, it's probably just a scam.
Choice 2: ………………。 ...
ごろつき: ………………。
Rogue: ...
Supply Run (Hubert)
Receiving the Quest
Hubert: Would you assist us in securing more resources?
Quest Completion
Hubert: Thank you for helping to gather resources. Please accept this simple gift, by way of compensation.
Taking Care of Business (Hubert)
Receiving the Quest
Hubert: Trade among merchants has boomed since we annexed the Alliance territories. That is all well and good, but we should not leave them defenseless, lest disaster strike.
Quest Completion
ヒューベルト: 商人たちを助けてくれたそうですな。治安維持へのご協力、感謝しますよ。商人が潤えば国も潤う……今後も協力してもらえると助かります。
Hubert: I was pleased to hear you rescued those merchants. A strong economy bodes well for us. Fine work.
Anna's Heirloom (Girl)
Receiving the Quest
Girl: When I got home after eating, I realized that the special thing Anna asked me to look after had vanished! Oh, what do I do...
Quest Completion
Girl: Hey, thanks a lot! From now on, I'll do my absolute best to live up to the standards Anna set for all merchants! Oh, and if I open a shop, I hope you'll pay it a visit or three, Professor!